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Little Tree adalah tempat yang tepat bagi para pemilik rumah & kontraktor bangunan di Bali untuk mencari sejumlah bahan bangunan & perlengkapan rumah yang ramah lingkungan. Green buildings... that's us!

Little Tree Bali - Green Building Centre



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Little Tree, Big Contribution

30 January 2011

Published in on sunday, 30 January 2011

As the result of the rapid development of tourism industry in Bali, unsustainable buildings were built ignoring the impact to the environment. Seeing this, Steve Palmer had a vision for a do-it-all ecologically sustainable store, named Little Tree. From the goal it looks like retail selling environmental friendly building materials but actually it also conducts research and development into greener technologies.

All you need to build your eco-friendly hotel or villa or resort or even home completed with home appliances and decorations are available at Little Tree. Eco paints, tung oil, compost, electric motor bikes, and so many more. Electric motor bikes?  Indeed they are more expensive than conventional motorbikes with fuel. However the use of electric motorbikes will end up with lower cost than the use of gas powered motorbikes. Save money, save fresh air!

Another important point of this retail is they supply bamboo as the alternative to build your property since bamboo leaves less effect to the environment. Further, Little Tree will also show the tricks how to utilize the grass. It will make green environment as well as natural beauty for your residence. Emphasizing on the use of timber, Little Tree only sell wood from the Indonesian Eco Labeling Institute (LEI) which corporate with logging communities to lessen destructive exploitation of the forestry.

For sure, offering confidently materials labeled eco-friendly, Little Tree has done the research and development. Even more the research and development program is still going until today to find the cheap and best way to build eco friendly buildings and products. Today Little Tree still has current projects: gravity powered ceramic water filter and solar powered water that is combined with a flash burner to make a hybrid warm water system. Little Tree always open for you who want to consult about constructing green building because they have the collection of material, system, and home appliances which will decrease the negative impact to the environment.

When people outside just shout on the road to make better environment and better world, at least Little Tree has shown to the world the concrete action to make a better world.

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