Little Tree is a fertile ground for green builders and home owners in Bali who are in need of eco-friendly building materials and home supplies. Green buildings... that's us!
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+62 (0) 81139605497
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Now open from Monday to Saturday:
8:00 - 17:00
ecoSmart - Cleaning Solutions for Life proudly presents our new Spray N' Wipe All Purpose 100% Natural Ingredient ready to use Safety Solvent Cleaner
Processed extracts from a variety of natural plants, including but not limited to: corn, coconut, cactus, grains, herbs and sugar cane plus bio-degradable surfactants and emulsifiers.
They are 100 % bio-degradable, contain NO harmful toxins or carcinogen-causing agents and are safer for humans and animals. Only using Starwater®
ecosmart Spray n’ Wipe is as powerful as conventional cleaners but so natural that we can even drink it.
As part of our environmental commitment we will donate 10% of our retail sales from this product line to Walhi Bali.
Available size: 1l or 5l