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Pest Control Huzz

HUZZ is a Pesticide / Insecticide / Fungicide / Miticide / Anti Bacteria / Anti Virus which has been concentrated as much as 400x.

  • Ready-to-use emulsion based on 87% pure Neem Seed Oil extract which has:
  • “Cold pressed” extraction and double filtering.
  • 100% pure (free from Aflatoxin B1, G1, B2, G2).

Rainproof: contains plant-based nano extenders that allow effective penetration of leaves and soil.

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Huzz Benefits:

  • 100% ECO-FRIENDLY: 100% biodegradable. Residue free in rivers.
  • NON TOXIC TO HUMANS AND DOES NOT HARM Honey Bees, Other Pollinating Animals, Recommended Organisms).
  • SAFE, EASY TO  APPLY: water-soluble emulsion.
  • SAVE COSTS with its 400x concentration.
Suggested use:
Concentration up to 400X.
Mix 500 ml of Huzz with 100 or 200 liters of clean, non-chlorinated water.

Recommended use:
  • 1/400: prevention / smallest parasite size under 5mm.
  • 1/200: Destroys most insects with sizes above 5mm.

Spray at night or early morning. Spray the entire surface of the plant, including the underside of the leaves until it is wet. For best results, apply as soon as pests are seen. Apply the treatment every 7 to 15 days if needed. Best practice when pests are still immature. The solution should be used within a few hours of preparation. Do not save the solution for future use.


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