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Little Tree adalah tempat yang tepat bagi para pemilik rumah & kontraktor bangunan di Bali untuk mencari sejumlah bahan bangunan & perlengkapan rumah yang ramah lingkungan. Green buildings... that's us!

Little Tree Bali - Green Building Centre



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Sekarang buka dari hari Senin sampai hari Sabtu :

Feb 2013

WBN Bali Networking Evening -

You & Friends are invited to the

WBN Bali Networking Evening 

Thursday, the 26th of February 2013


Little Tree

Dear Friends,

We have the pleasure to invite you to a dynamic, thought provoking and entertaining WBN Bali Networking evening: networking People, Projects, Ideas & Skills worth sharing.

The theme for the night: 


"The Bali Lohas Paradigm shift - and how you can benefit from it"

Many people increasingly have become aware that LOHAS is a powerful and steadily growing MOVEMENT. 

This movement aims to bring balance back to our planet by inspiring individuals and businesses to find their own unique way of being environmentally friendly. 

This impacts a growing consumer interest in:

Personal Health (Health)
Natural Lifestyles (Lifestyle)
Green Building (Building)
Alternative Transportation (Transport)
Alternative Energy (Energy) The Game of Networkingfacilitated by Sandhi Spiers


7.45pm:  " The Business of Moving Mountains - Paradigm Shift As Company Foundation" presented by Ben Ripple

Ever wondered what "learning business aptitude from the left side in” really means? ...The risks of coming at a business concept from a overly gregarious social design and the importance of evolving towards balance in the equation of sustainability. Ben Ripple will be using his own experience in the building of 2 different social enterprises as the basis for "lessons learned" and explain the challenges we have faced along the way.

Ben Ripple: Big Tree Farms was founded by husband and wife team Ben and Blair Ripple in July 2003. The initial focus of the company was on the introduction and dissemination of modern day organic farming techniques and marketing systems. During the next 3 years, focus shifted to expanding procurement from the original focus of fresh produce to a wider range of artisanal ingredients sourced from around the Indonesian archipelago. These products along with the unique model of entrepreneur-driven sustainable development attracted the attention of international specialty food markets, winning multiple awards, extensive media recognition and international public speaking engagements. Ben speaks fluent Indonesian and has, during the twelve years of his full-time tenure consulted with numerous governmental and non-governmental institutions including the US Embassy, USAID and even the President of Indonesia (2003-2004). | |


8.30 pm: "Sculptures in the Sea - inspiring Art to preserve Nature" presented by Celia Persephone Gregory

Celia will present a background to the concept of art for the restoring of our seas, its creative scope, scientific collaboration, and eco marine issues the artworks can address. As well as a selection of amazing images from around the world of ‘Sculptures in the sea’ with a focus on her own installations and the work of the Marine Foundation including video footage on the making of the Coral Goddess. Where by tourism can act as a force for good creating coral and fish nurseries that facilitate communities to preserve and restore their marine treasures.

The Marine Foundation is an international organization with projects in development around the world but it is in Indonesia that the concept has been developed. Celia has been funded but the Roddick Foundation to further nurture the bringing together of tourism, art and environment as a model for sustainable management of marine resources in areas of sea which have been damaged and cannot be left ;to go back to nature'. In partnership with innovative science and local environmental partners The Marine Foundation art installations bring an action based approach to localized marine issues and wonderful imagery that raises awareness around the world as well as drawing new audience to support eco tourism. |


9.30 pm Prize Draws


9.40 pm: Social & Professional networking at it's best...

Be prepared for a night that will inspire, move and touch you in so many ways. Meeting old friends, making new ones...networking on purpose to create a world to which people want to belong... Synergy into action!

Please bring your business cards, fliers and brochures, as we will have a networking table on the night for some dynamic networking.

Early registration is advisable

To register:


When: Thursday, 26th of February 2013


Where: PT. Little Tree

Jl. Sunset Road No. 112X 
Kuta, Bali - Indonesia 80361


Time: 6.30 pm Registration

7.15pm start - 10 pm

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