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Little Tree adalah tempat yang tepat bagi para pemilik rumah & kontraktor bangunan di Bali untuk mencari sejumlah bahan bangunan & perlengkapan rumah yang ramah lingkungan. Green buildings... that's us!

Little Tree Bali - Green Building Centre



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+62 (0) 81139605497

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Sekarang buka dari hari Senin sampai hari Sabtu :

Bali Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil was maligned and lobbied against by the seed oil cartels in the 60's and 70's.

However, people living on a coconut oil diet have far less cholesterol and heart disease than westerners.

Recent clinical studies have shown that lauric acid in coconut oil strengthens the immune system and reduces viral counts in HIV and Hep B patients.

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For renewed energy, health, weight loss and cholesterol reduction it is recommended to drink 3 tablespoons per day. As a cure -6 tablespoons a day.

Your purchase helps poor villagers in the mountains of East Bali who make this product in sanitized factories.

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