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Little Tree adalah tempat yang tepat bagi para pemilik rumah & kontraktor bangunan di Bali untuk mencari sejumlah bahan bangunan & perlengkapan rumah yang ramah lingkungan. Green buildings... that's us!

Little Tree Bali - Green Building Centre



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Stile Works Cladding

Natural Stone & Tile for Walls

Stile Works offers natural stone & tile directly from their factories in Bali & Surabaya. From export quality to offcut ranges, their coverings and cladding are best sellers around the world.

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All designs are available in a wide range of different colors.

There are 6 cladding types:


The wedged shaped tile can be used horizontally or vertically, in a variety of patterns to create a stunning design. This is the most versatile cladding they produce.

Natural Face Cladding - Interlocking Cladding (IC)

A Natural Face interlocking tile, made of 3 pieces to create a uniform design with easy installation.

Natural Face Cladding - Strip Cladding (SC)

Natural face strip pieces of equal width and length’s. Used to create an individual look.

Natural Face Cladding - Strip Offcut (SO)

Natural face strip pieces in equal widths and various lengths. Used to create an individual look.

Interlocking Linear Cladding - Large Linear

A unique and innovative wall tile, made using varying widths of natural stone. With an antique or honed finish this tile can be laid horizontally or vertically for a stunning visual effect.

Interlocking Linear Cladding - Linear

A unique and innovative wall tile, made using varying widths of natural stone. With an antique or honed finish this tile can be laid horizontally or vertically for a stunning visual effect.



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