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Little Tree adalah tempat yang tepat bagi para pemilik rumah & kontraktor bangunan di Bali untuk mencari sejumlah bahan bangunan & perlengkapan rumah yang ramah lingkungan. Green buildings... that's us!

Little Tree Bali - Green Building Centre



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+62 (0) 81139605497

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Sekarang buka dari hari Senin sampai hari Sabtu :

Awani Lime Marmalade

Achieving balance and
harmony is a way of life in Bali.

Creating beauty and simplicity is
the essence of living.

Awani's creations are
inspired by these principles.

Awani is our offering to you.
- a new, exquisite Asian food brand.


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These products have been inspired by the simplicity and beauty of the Balinese way of life.

Their products represent the best of what they admire in Balinese tradition and culture. While they have modernized design and work practices, they also adhere respectfully to the essence of the Balinese way of life.

They make Awani jam in the mountains where they are close to sources of fruit. Being close to the farms allows them to pick fruit late so they can maintain its flavor and freshness.

Their Balinese kitchen sits in the grounds of a beautiful little farm, a typical example of a Balinese mixed farm, self-sustaining with many different types of fruit trees as well as livestock.


Lime Marmalade 255 g

A feisty marmalade bursting with the flavor of young Balinese lime and gently cooked with raw cane sugar. Lively & refreshing.

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