Little Tree adalah tempat yang tepat bagi para pemilik rumah & kontraktor bangunan di Bali untuk mencari sejumlah bahan bangunan & perlengkapan rumah yang ramah lingkungan. Green buildings... that's us!
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+62 (0) 81139605497
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Sekarang buka dari hari Senin sampai hari Sabtu :
20 ml
made from sambiloto, 96 % ethanol and distilled water
Sambiloto (Andrographicpaniculata)
Sambiloto is a very bitter herb traditionally used to treat fevers, viral and bacterial infections, and sore throats. It is considered very cooling with strong anti-inflammatory properties. It is also useful to reduce blood sugar levels. Research has shown that it helpful in preventing heart attacks and is beneficial to the liver by stimulating the flow of bile.