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Little Tree adalah tempat yang tepat bagi para pemilik rumah & kontraktor bangunan di Bali untuk mencari sejumlah bahan bangunan & perlengkapan rumah yang ramah lingkungan. Green buildings... that's us!

Little Tree Bali - Green Building Centre



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Sekarang buka dari hari Senin sampai hari Sabtu :

Soul Surf Project Organic Surf Wax

This wax is made by young adults who used to live in orphanages or street-shelters on Bali.


With surfing we have a method which is helping us to protect the coast and its environment! Surfing will be given as a reward for growing awareness and knowledge and a new attitude. While surfing, the kids are in the elements of mother nature, by being in those elements they will learn to appreciate it!

Markus, 15 years old, has been living since his fifth in the orphanage Benih Harapan Bali. Like hundreds of other children on the Indonesian island's his future has been hopeless for years.

Been, since soul surf project Bali gives children as Markus a better perspective. Hope for the future. And let them forget all their problems. The children from children's homes and orphanages learn to conquer the best waves of the world. They get their extensive surf lessons from professionals, and have the ability to grow in the sport of surfing. Children like Markus are helped to find a job in the major commercial surf scene on Bali, to help them getting a better future.

They also learn to deal in a responsible way with their beautiful but fragile environment.

Surfing for a better future for the children of Bali, and a sustainable island. That soul is surf project Bali.


  • Create awareness for the protection of the environment of Bali

  • Create opportunities for young talented surfers on Bali.

  • Create opportunities for unprivileged kids on Bali to get a job in the Balinese surf scene.

organic beewax, organic coconut oil, treeresin

This wax is packaged in reclaimed plastic provisions packages, recycled paper and natural dyed cotton. All ingredients and packaging are of local origin.

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