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Bamboo Decking

dasso XTR menawarkan 25 tahun (aplikasi residensial) / 10 tahun (aplikasi komersial) terbatas terhadap cacat material dalam pengerjaan dan garansi material tidak akan mengalami kerusakan struktural karena pembusukan atau rayap untuk jangka waktu tersebut, selama itu telah dipasang dan dirawat sesuai dengan panduan pemasangan.

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dasso XTR is solid and high density decking board, made from compressed bamboo fibers with a special patented heat treatment process, making it one of the strongest, hardest and most durable materials on the market to create the perfect space for outdoor entertainment and relaxation. A unique feature of dasso XTR is the head tongue and groove: this can only be done with very stable materials and enables connection of an unlimited number of boards in the length. The special symmetrical shape of the sides offers the possibility to choose between either the grooved or the flat surface, and allows for quick installation with fasteners. Like any untreated tropical hardwood species, when exposed to outdoor conditions, dasso XTR will turn grey over time creating a very natural look.


Option 1: Clip Installation
  1. Determine the surface side of the boards (reeded or flat surface).
  2. Use fasteners or other suitable fasteners in the following sequence.
  3. Press fastener in the groove of one decking board
  4. Tighten the screw in the fastener and the sub beam. 
  5. Use approx. 20/17/14 fasteners per m2, this is depending on the type or board 137/155/178mm wide. When the tongue and groove are connected on the sub beam preferably use 2 fasteners, 1 for every board.
  6. Only use the included stainless steel decking screws (4.5 x 30mm).
Option 2: Screw down installation
  1. Determine the surface side of the boards (reeded or flat surface).
  2. Pre-drill the screw holes 20mm from the side of the board. Be sure to pre-drill with a large enough drill to avoid cracking of the decking.
  3. Always screw both sides (left & right) of the board.
  4. Use stainless steel decking screws (5x50mm).

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