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Little Tree adalah tempat yang tepat bagi para pemilik rumah & kontraktor bangunan di Bali untuk mencari sejumlah bahan bangunan & perlengkapan rumah yang ramah lingkungan. Green buildings... that's us!

Little Tree Bali - Green Building Centre



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+62 (0) 81139605497

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Sekarang buka dari hari Senin sampai hari Sabtu :

Backwash Media Water Filter

a backwash system will collect any particles that flow through your water. The backwash filter’s main components are a tank and the filtering media. As water flows through the tank, the backwash system will reverse the flow and drain it out of the filter media. Next, it will use compressed air to suspend any particles in the filter media. This suspension prevents the particles from leaving once the water begins flowing again. In essence, backwash helps reverse the flow of water while increasing its velocity. This pushes the particles away from your clean water.

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  • Back-flushing Multi-Media tank systems that provide a wide range of filtration, without the need to change any filter cartridges.
  • 2 Year guaranteed Reinforced GRP imported Tanks
  • Automatic Back-Wash models using Imported SMART Digital control or Manual Control Heads for the budget minded or commercial systems.
  • Minimal flow restrictions. (We prefer to filter before the tank where possible)
  • High Grade Imported Media (Non Local)
  • Choice of Filter Size to suit your requirements, Domestic or Commercial.

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